Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
So i'm not W.K. you got me there. But you have to admit that adds humor. I think everyone knows I'm not WK anyways.

I just reached 50 posts, and rumor was you can't post in Sun Deck til 50 posts. So, I post my info where I can post.....
Adds humor? Not really, it kind of annoys me to be honest with you. I enjoy the information you are sharing, but I don't like the 4 yr old juvenile games and role playing that goes along with them. Post in a more adult voice and tone and you will likely be well received around here.

Please note that all new members are prevented from starting new threads before they have 60 days of registration time and 50 posts and may only reply to existing threads, as they become familiar with the site. If you have any questions or concerns about the new changes, please utilize the newly created Introductions and Site Feedback forum. We do not want to see any discussion of these changes carry over into any other forum.
I'll have to get with Boss on this one and thanks for pointing this out. I'm not sure why the site is letting you start threads on the Minor League forum, it should only let you respond to existing threads until you have 60 days of registration time and 50 posts.