Can I bum a 20 dude? ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Puffy
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Can I bum a 20 dude? ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Puffy
I had some coffee earlier..I haven't drunk coffee in 3 4 days in a row with a hop cup..I don't wanna get addicted to it :(
Because addictions suck
Except this board, that's a good addiction
It stinks to die in a game and then have to wait around for the others to die so you can play more ;)
I need to stop wasting so much damn time :dflynn: :dflynn: :dflynn:
Goodnight all
hi krono!!
And no, you can't borrow $50
I'm gonna admit something that y'all might be surprised by - I'm voting for John Kerry.
Don't hate me for that Creek - its just what I feel.
where is dunnersgirl - i'm coming up fast on a case of beer tonight. I just want her to know where the big boys play :devil:
LF has it! Yeah! He gets the sleepy foot award! :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Larkin Fan
Good morning peeps.
This one time, at band camp.....
hi teamcasey!
There isn't. There is a nut there, but the hole doesn't look big enough for the bulb to fit in. Oh well, I need an oil change. I think I'll have him show me. I really like the place where I go.Quote:
Originally Posted by KronoRed
*Yawn* Still sleepy. Got up because I thought I heard a siren outside. Probably an owl. Our barn owl is still around I think. It's pretty cool, because they're on the endangered species list.
Hi Puff Daddy! :D
whew - just won a big hand.
Its light outside - I still haven't sleep. I RAWK!
The only nut there is you. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by TeamCasey
Did I mention I can play poker????
Hello Chipster!!
Morning peeps.
I had pizza for dinner last night, for lunch today, and for dinner again tonight. Just call me PuffKrono
Sup RFS62!!
Hey Puffmiester!!
Good job with the poker. Take al their money.
I've got three hard days of writing up reports from this last 10 day sweep through Georgia. Man, I miss those mosquitos. I have a theory now, that they must have been near some kind of radiation, since they were so hella big and nasty.
And the fire ants. They had to be mutants.
I think we should seal off South Georgia for a few hundred years, just to make sure.
And the gnats...... did I mention the gnats?
I met their leader, Gnatzilla, just before I left. I tried to take him out with my trusty Louisville Slugger C271, but he was too freakin' fast. Kinda like a nasty Randy Johnson knee high slider fast.
I"m just sayin'.
RFS62, thats where you screwed up. You don't take the Gnat leader out with a Louisville Slugger, you use a Smith and Wesson.
You have to remove a panel to get to the socket in my Escape. They make it hard, don't they?Quote:
Originally Posted by TeamCasey
Personally, I wish there was a button you could push to see if they work. It shouldn't take two people to check the lights on your vehicle.
I'd like to see presidential debate take a different format. Questions like this:
(This is a variation of a question discussed in a college class, long ago.)
A poor man's wife is dying of a rare illness. A pharmacist in town has a cure, but it costs the equivalent of $2000. The man asks for a break, time to pay, but the pharmacist cannot because he needs the money for medical treatment for his handicapped child. The poor man steals the cure and saves his wife. He is arrested and now faces execution, because that is the penalty for theft in that community. Do you convict?
Or this ... the only question on an actual test given in a history class in American Society and Thought. (c. 1985)
We have been watched from outer space for the past few decades. Aliens with space travelling capabilities have picked up our radio and television signals. Their view of our society comes from Dallas, Dynasty and Disco. They are curious, and decide to pay us a visit. They land in the middle of the night on a college campus and find a student's dropped backpack. In this backpack is one book ... William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation. This book sets of a debate among the aliens on how we got from there to here. How would they answer that question, and how are we answering them today?
The actual answer isn't as important as how it's supported.
Hey 62! Look who's joined in on the fun.
I've got a huge Sociology mid-term that I really need to study for, but man, I'm having a really hard time motivating myself to do it. :dflynn:
I was just thinking of asking if you are still well and plugging away at school ... good for you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Larkin Fan
Good luck on your test. As for studying, make sure you take breaks. And break the material down into smaller sections that aren't quite so intimidating. Tackle a couple of easier sections first, if you can identify them. It should build up your confidence and make the task less daunting.
Anyway, good luck. And keep up the good work.
Thanks Sandy. I'm really doing well and am keeping my fingers crossed that things stay this way. In addition to school, I also landed a job in the psychology department as a research assistant which is a great opportunity. I keep busy, but I'm really enjoying things considering how much I've fought to get to this point!
Now I'm off to study...
AHHH I feel for ya, I have my sociology midterm coming up next week and i REALLLLLY don't want to study for it.....Quote:
Originally Posted by Larkin Fan
:eek: WOW.... A Case?? Congrats? I have a pretty high tolerance for alcohol..... which sucks..... but i definetly don't think i could EVER finish off a case... I'm impressed :gac:Quote:
Originally Posted by Puffy
Originally Posted by Larkin Fan
Now we're talkin!!!!
Welcome aboard, old buddy.
Originally Posted by CougarQuest
Yeah, I was trying to give him a sporting chance. Pretty dumb.
TeamGriffey and I just got back from our Saturday adventure. He thought watching my car go up on the lift was about the coolest thing ever. They changed my brake light, which is good because the one Toyota gave me wasn't any good anyway. I'm just so happy I found this mechanic. They're always so cool. Made me coffee and put Dora on TV for the little guy. Gave me 8 bucks off because I'm a regular, also a coupon for a free full service wash at the place next door.
If you live near Milford, it's the Procare place on 28, not far from the Kmart. I completely recommend them.
We went over to Burger King for lunch. It was sleeting ...... in southwest Ohio ...... in October!!!! Weird, man! I think our scarecrow project will have to wait for drier days.
I hear ya. Good luck!Quote:
Originally Posted by DunnersGrl44
Larkin Fan - welcome to the succubus that is is this thread. You will soon be sucked in and addicted. Sorry to have to tell you that, but I welcome you to our evil lair!
Ahhhh, don't be too impressed - it was over a 12 hour period. Man, I might have a problem...Quote:
Originally Posted by DunnersGrl44