You know what I would like to throw in the trash? This stupid project I'm doing at work. The one that's keeping me here at 2 a.m., and the one that will bring me back to work by noon tomorrow.
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You know what I would like to throw in the trash? This stupid project I'm doing at work. The one that's keeping me here at 2 a.m., and the one that will bring me back to work by noon tomorrow.
Mine too! 32 years on Saturday :)Quote:
Originally Posted by RosieRed
They get along so much better now that me and my bro have left home :MandJ:
Welcome watch, make yourself comfortable :thumbup:Quote:
Originally Posted by paintmered
That would bum me out as well..I'd move ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by letsgojunior
She'll be there in Heaven as well ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by GAC
**throws Rosies project in the trash**Quote:
Originally Posted by RosieRed
Just turn a picture of this in
Congrats on another win :D
5:34 am and softball is on tv.
52 degrees and..I HAVE MAIL :D
and it's spam!
WOOOHOO :thumbup:
Bengals pre-season game tonight on Fox19!
That may very well be the only thing I have to look forward to today. My northern lady left this morning for another two weeks. Bah.
The Olympics are still boring. I just can't get excited about crew.
Which taking the trash out are we talking about? Emptying the kitchen one (where 90% of our trash goes) out to the garage or taking garbage cans, recycling, etc out to the curb?
It's about 50-50 for the first and 99% me for the second.
We have guys that drive up and down our streets on trash night looking for quasi-valuable stuff. I've put some pretty funky stuff out in the trash and it's gone within a couple hours. It's kinda eery actually.
Does anyone want a ping-pong table? We bought a pool table over the weekend and we don't have room for it anymore. We did avoid major damage to the walls though.
Hauling a ping-pong table up out of the basement is a pain. 4.5 x 5 sheets of particle board plus hardware are heavy not to mention awkward.
Wish my son luck. He's taking his driving test tomorrow.
Garbage-digging is a favorite pasttime in my neighborhood. It never fails to amaze me that people will take televisions, lamps, etc. out of people's trash... I mean, c'mon, if the thing still worked I'd have given it to Goodwill, not tossed it out to the curb.
Good luck to your son.
I can't get excited about glorified football practice ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by zombie-a-go-go
Call me when the real games start :mhcky21:
Good luck to the young Tucker
When I talk about trash I mean all the trash, somehow me and the Mrs have it set up that all the cans will be the same time :thumbup:
I'd take the ping pong table but I have no room for it
I love games that don't matter... I'm still following the Reds, aren't I? :mhcky21:Quote:
Originally Posted by KronoRed
But that's like the Reds vs Astros, then in the 3rd inning we get the AAA team, then the AA in the 6th and the Rookie ball teams in the 8th and 9th ;)
Good luck, son of Roy. That occasion calls for a story. I flunked my driving test the first time out. Examiner said to turn left at the stop sign on the quiet residential street. I came to a full stop and made my left turn. Being nervous about taking my driving test, I neglected to notice that there was also a red light at that intersection. Automatic failure!
I did much better on the second attempt. :D
Dude, you can't be "stepping out on us".. not cool :thumbdn: ( :MandJ: )Quote:
Originally Posted by KronoRed
Driving test story's?
WOO..I failed twice ;)
First time I showed up barely having read the book since I passed the written test and just though I would breeze it..woohoo wrong
Kentucky sheriff was not amused when I failed to come to a complete stop before turning right on red, he also said I was out of the lines, but the kicker was when he asked for a turn about..I panicked and did a U-turn :MandJ: needless to say that was the end of the test ;)
2nd time (3 years later)I practiced a bit and showed up ready and confident, just a nice old lady this time, I did everything very well, she seemed pleased then she asked for the parallel park, I did everything right..then I accidentally floored it and went up on the curb and knocked over about 5 trash FAILURE! :thumbup:
I came back the next week and passed with only a few points off for not looking behind me well enough while backing up :D
Originally Posted by RosieRed
Maturing? What does that mean? :MandJ:
Umm no way RedsZone is the only board for me :mhcky21:Quote:
Originally Posted by REDREAD
No idea ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by REDREAD
I think it has something to do with stocks or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by REDREAD
No that's profit
I think maturing is getting old ;)
Not necessarily. I don't trash dive anymore (Wife made me give it up)..Quote:
Originally Posted by zombie-a-go-go
But my brother found a nice lawnmower just last week that started on the first pull, and only needed a $2 part to fix the self propelled part of the functionality.
Of course, he doesn't need another lawnmower, but he enjoys the thrill
of the hunt :lol:
I have 4 kids, and I got one of those Little Tykes plastic cars for each of them by seeing them on the curb. All worked fine, the previous owners were too lazy to find someone to give them away too. Basically, that's why scavenging works. Most Americans are trained to throw away everything and buy new..
I'll end this post now.. don't want you guys to think I'm too wierd :MandJ:
It's a little late for that RedRead :D
And dull :)Quote:
Originally Posted by KronoRed
Originally Posted by KronoRed
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Cool, I only wasted 1 hour catching up this morning..
I've got to start reading this on a daily basis.
I always like to cite that line from the Mike Myers SNL character "Middle-Aged Man." As part of extolling the virtues of middle age, he says "I know how escrow works!" :lol: :RedinDC:Quote:
Originally Posted by zombie-a-go-go
When I lived in Wisconsin, they had a name for people who scrounge through other peoples' trash looking for useful items. They called them "Gleaners."
I thought you were about to tell us how you found one of the four kids in the trash.Quote:
Originally Posted by REDREAD
Drving test question... A friend of Zach's just took the driving test. He stopped at a stop sign where if you stopped at the white line of the stop sign, you didn't have a clear view of the intersection (a bush had grown up and cut off part of the view).
He stopped once even with the stop sign (a complete stop), then rolled up a bit to get a better view, stopped again (second stop), and then proceded.
When the kid got his grade, he found that the tester marked off 10 pts. for the stop sign. He had no idea why and I don't either.
Did the kid pass?
Daily? I spend every waking hour in this thread :DQuote:
Originally Posted by REDREAD
Lunch today is
I dunno..whatver the next person says :thumbup:
(note: if you say something I can't eat I'll ignore you :D )
Italian sub
Originally Posted by KronoRed
I think today will be: Chipotle's again. I'm craving a big fat burrito.
Or I could go for an Italian sub at Penn Station.Quote:
Originally Posted by Puffy
Italian sub it is :D
I have a Penn Station menu right here :MandJ:
Too far away to think of.Quote:
Lunch today is
Pot of Peets for breakfast though.
Now to wake up Mrs.Kronos so she can order something
Went to the Reds game on Saturday. Wily Mo Pena is a friggin stud.
Played golf yesterday in a tournament of my Dad's old high school buddies.
I almost won the long drive on one of the holes, my problem: I can't hit a driver and keep the ball straight, so I use a 3 wood, don't even own a driver.
I still managed to drive the ball 345 yards with my 3 wood. Came up about 10 yards short of the long drive. :thumbdn: