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What would my fathers' brother be to me?

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Welcome to RedsZone.com. If this is your first visit, it’s important that you understand our mission and why the site was founded.

In 1999, a number of users participated in Reds discussion at Cincinnati.com. The site drew a large amount of traffic, particularly when it became evident that Ken Griffey Jr. would eventually become a Cincinnati Red, but the forum was essentially no-holds barred, anything goes. Personal attacks were the norm and moderation was non-existent. Noticing that there was genuine interest to discuss the team, but not a place to do so that was free from this type of behavior, in April 2000, co-founders GIK and Boss-Hog created RedsZone.com.

RedsZone was built upon the idea that members would have an opportunity to discuss their team by making intelligent posts in an environment that was free from the type of nastiness that became commonplace at Cincinnati.com. Invitations were extended to a group of people who we thought could best carry out this mission. The site become an instant hit, as users migrated from the old forum to RedsZone and word of mouth eventually reached other online Reds sites. Many of our initial members still post here to this day and are an especially valued group.

As RedsZone continued to gain popularity and grow, the site faced many challenges in maintaining the same level of quality discussion while allowing all fans of the team to participate. As a result, quality discussion and civility toward your fellow members are musts for posting here. We don’t look favorably upon topics that state little more than you think a player “sucks” or the like. It’s encouraged that you have opinions, but you should be able to back them up before convincing others. By the same token, it’s also very important to be respectful of others who may not follow or approach the game in the same manner that you do. Nastiness and condescending attitudes toward members will not be tolerated. The site’s administrators and moderators reserve the right to suspend or ban any member who has broken site rules or whom they otherwise deem unfit to post here. Please keep in mind that this is a privately owned message board and it is not your personal right to post here.

If you’re looking for a place to blow off steam by pronouncing players worthless when the Reds play poorly, this is not the place for you. If you’re looking for a place to engage in smack talk, this is also not for the place for you. If you’re looking for a place to intelligently and passionately discuss the team in a respectful manner, this may be the place for you. Please take some time out in the Intro & Feedback forum to introduce yourself and say hello.

Welcome to the board.

Boss-Hog (co-founder, RedsZone.com)

Board Moderators may, at their discretion and judgment, delete and/or edit any messages that violate any of the following guidelines: 1. Explicit references to alleged illegal or unlawful acts. 2. Graphic sexual descriptions. 3. Racial or ethnic slurs. 4. Use of edgy language (including masked profanity). 5. Direct personal attacks, flames, fights, trolling, baiting, name-calling, general nuisance, excessive player criticism or anything along those lines. 6. Posting spam. 7. Each person may have only one user account. It is fine to be critical here - that's what this board is for. But let's not beat a subject or a player to death, please.

Thank you, and most importantly, enjoy yourselves!

RedsZone.com is a privately owned website and is not affiliated with the Cincinnati Reds or Major League Baseball

Contact us: Boss | Gallen5862 | Plus Plus | Powel Crosley | The Operator