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Thread: Pictures From July 1, 1973

  1. #1
    Member cumberlandreds's Avatar
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    Mid Atlantic, USA

    Pictures From July 1, 1973

    My neice, who is my sisters daughter came across a couple of pictures that they had taken that day. First is from our seats on LF. Pete Rose is in front of us. The other one was taken during the 2nd game when they brought out the zamboni machine. I was reallly glad to get these from her. I just thought no one brought their cell phone with them that day.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	July 1 0173 Picture 1.jpg 
Views:	280 
Size:	137.2 KB 
ID:	19870   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	July 1 0173 Picture 2.jpg 
Views:	275 
Size:	150.5 KB 
ID:	19871  
    Last edited by cumberlandreds; 07-10-2023 at 11:29 AM. Reason: spelling
    Reds Fan Since 1971


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  4. #2
    Be the ball Roy Tucker's Avatar
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    Re: Pictures From July 1, 1973

    Quote Originally Posted by cumberlandreds View Post
    My neice, who is my sisters daughter came across a couple of pictures that they had taken that day. Fist is from our seats on LF. Pete Rose is in front of us. The other one was taken during the 2nd game when they brought out the zamboni machine. I was reallly glad to get these from her. I just thought no one brought their cell phone with them that day.
    I got a chuckle out of that. I know when I talk to my children about technology, they can’t conceive of having no cell phones or internet. I think 1973, cable tv was just starting to appear. The thought of having more that 3-4 channels (3 VHF, 1 UHF) just blew my mind. I think 1973 was the first year cell phones were around and even then, they were the size of a shoebox and voice only with no IP or apps. And the internet was still limited to maybe some point-to-point links of hippie universities and advanced research firms out west. Just a different world. </old fart ramble>
    The rose goes in the front, big guy.


    cumberlandreds (07-05-2023),westofyou (07-05-2023)

  6. #3
    breath westofyou's Avatar
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    Re: Pictures From July 1, 1973

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Tucker View Post
    I got a chuckle out of that. I know when I talk to my children about technology, they can’t conceive of having no cell phones or internet. I think 1973, cable tv was just starting to appear. The thought of having more that 3-4 channels (3 VHF, 1 UHF) just blew my mind. I think 1973 was the first year cell phones were around and even then, they were the size of a shoebox and voice only with no IP or apps. And the internet was still limited to maybe some point-to-point links of hippie universities and advanced research firms out west. Just a different world. </old fart ramble>
    The Xerox Alto, developed at Xerox PARC in 1973, was the first computer to use a mouse, the desktop metaphor, and a graphical user interface (GUI), concepts first introduced by Douglas Engelbart while at International. It was the first example of what would today be recognized as a complete personal computer.
    In the 90's I lived about 2 miles from PARC and two miles from Steve Jobs who stole the idea after they gave him a walk through. Nice small campus nestled in the foothills tucked behind Stanford


    cumberlandreds (07-05-2023),Roy Tucker (07-05-2023)

  8. #4
    Member cumberlandreds's Avatar
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    Re: Pictures From July 1, 1973

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Tucker View Post
    I got a chuckle out of that. I know when I talk to my children about technology, they can’t conceive of having no cell phones or internet. I think 1973, cable tv was just starting to appear. The thought of having more that 3-4 channels (3 VHF, 1 UHF) just blew my mind. I think 1973 was the first year cell phones were around and even then, they were the size of a shoebox and voice only with no IP or apps. And the internet was still limited to maybe some point-to-point links of hippie universities and advanced research firms out west. Just a different world. </old fart ramble>
    In 1973 we got three channels on TV. My dad had his own TV line strung up the mountain and that is all we could get. We had an CBS,NBC and PBS channel. All from Tennessee even though we lived in Kentucky. We couldn't get a reception for an ABC channel. There was local cable TV that offered six channels but my dad didn't want to spend the money on it at the time. But he finally got tired of going up the hill to fix the line or antenna's every time it came rain storm or someone cut the lines and we got cable in 1975. Just in time to see the Reds a more than just on the game of the week.
    Reds Fan Since 1971


    Kingspoint (07-05-2023),Roy Tucker (07-05-2023)

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