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Thread: 9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

  1. #436
    Member LiferJim's Avatar
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    9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

    I like Rolly. He new what he was talking about from everything I’ve seen. The man new baseball very well IMO. Messaged me and told me why he was leaving.

    Would love to know that respected troll but I could probably guess in 5 guesses. Lol

    Thought I should add this. Honestly I like most of the people on here. There’s a few that I don’t care for but they are in the minority. Everyone can learn a little something from others if they would just put there egos aside.

    Go Reds!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by LiferJim; 09-21-2023 at 09:09 PM.
    Life is what happens when you're making other plans... John Lennon

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  3. #437
    Member mth123's Avatar
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    Re: 9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

    Quote Originally Posted by Ky Fried Redleg View Post
    Not for sure if you are referencing Rolly in Raleigh or not but I think he is a good poster . Kinda old school and very critical of the manager, like me , but very knowledgeable . I know he was labeled a troll by some of the old-timers but he wasn't anything of the sort. I think he's been here even longer than Ron. I think Rolly must have finally got fed up and split the scene. Hope he comes back , though. Looks like Gullett gave up the ghost, as well. He could be pretty salty but the guy really knew his old school Reds baseball. I liked him. Come back, Don.

    I actually like a lot of the guys(and gals) here who seem to get dumped a lot . Maybe that's the progressive in me. LOL
    Rolly isn't a Troll. He's been here a lot longer than me. He does know a lot about baseball. All the older posters know who he is and respect him though their different styles lead to some heated discussions. I've had a few with him back when I was a newbie, which I still am compared to him.

    Still, I don't think having played on or managed a team of kids where you are the sole authority is comparable to being a Manager in a multi-billion dollar organization that has huge staffs of analysts, scouts, instructors and front office personnel who all are being paid to contribute to or form the philosophy of the organization. Not everything is on the Manager by design nor is everything the Manager's responsibility like it is in the levels of baseball most people here have experience with. It's not David Bell's job to mold the organizational philosophy. It's his job to implement it and manage in accordance to it and not stray from it regularly. OTOH, the Manager of the group of teenagers does have the job of forming that team's philosophy and can follow or stray from it as he pleases. It doesn't mean the Manager of the teens doesn't know anything. It just means its apple and oranges.
    All my posts are my opinion - just like yours are. If I forget to state it and you're too dense to see the obvious, look here!


    LeatherPants (09-22-2023),LiferJim (09-21-2023),Revering4Blue (09-21-2023),Ron Madden (09-21-2023)

  5. #438
    Member Ky Fried Redleg's Avatar
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    Re: 9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

    Quote Originally Posted by mth123 View Post
    There are a few long-time posters that I think are quick to label people as trolls, but I think they really believe it. Not sure why they are so sensitive to it. If any of the newer people who show up in the game threads are trolls, I'd say its only the one I referenced in my previous post. A lot of the others are people who show-up only in game threads and aren't really familiar with how most discussion goes on this board and just throw out unsubstantiated opinions as fact and when they are challenged with data and actual facts, they just ignore it and stick to their unsubstantiated claims with no evidence. Many also mock those who do show evidence IMO. This board has never really had a tolerance for people with that style. Nobody is going to have any patience for people whose only support is "because I said so." When that is the basic massage, the board will turn on those people. Heck, I've been guilty of that "because I said" on occasion, but some people every wild opinion or every wild claim that they couldn't possibly have any knowledge of gets that same response. I've chosen to simply ignore all of that as noise. Its not even because I'm mad at those people, I just don't have time to wade through all that noise, so I have quite a few people who regularly post in game threads on ignore. My typical game thread page has 15 posts, but I'd say I average 6 or 7 that are from people on ignore.

    So, if anyone reading this thinks you might be on my ignore list (as if anyone would care anyway) I'm not mad at you, but I don't have the time to wade through unsubstantiated opinions that you have no way of knowing like "no energy" "not prepared to play" the coach must be terrible because that guy made a bad play" "why haven't they talked to him about it" ... If this is your posting pattern, you're probably on my ignore list.

    Ky Fried, please don't forward the PM. It's a private message and whoever sent it expects it to stay that way.

    I really enjoy this site and I think most of the folks are legit big Reds fans. The biggest thing that I am guilty of is getting emotional and wanting to vent after losses. In fact, that is what made me search for a Reds message board in the first place. It was late in the 2021 season when our playoff hopes were slipping away. Bell had made a bad decision to either remove a pitcher or leave a pitcher in(can't remember which) and we ended up losing a big game to the Mets as our August slide into the abyss continued. I was furious and wanted to find somewhere to vent my frustrations with like-minded people. I found Redszone that evening.

    I think that's what a lot of these people do that are labeled trolls. They usually only post on the board when they want to vent. That's really all I wanted to do that night two years ago. I don't consider those folks trolls. I just think they need a place to vent their frustrations when their emotions are about to get the best of them. My emotions sometimes get the best of me. I love my Reds and I am very competitive and I hate when they lose. I think about every little thing that might have made a difference between losing and winning.

    We got so spoiled back in the mid 70's when we expected the team to win every night. Back early in the summer this team had me expecting wins every time out again. To see it slipping away has been frustrating. Sometimes I speak out of frustration. I think a lot of us do. After Wednesday's blown game it seemed like people started turning on one another. I guess it's part of human nature. Sometimes we are not very good humans. Again, I appreciate your thoughts.
    Last edited by Ky Fried Redleg; 09-21-2023 at 11:20 PM.
    “It’s the mathematical potential for a single game to last forever, in a suspended world where no clock rules the day, that aligns baseball as much with the dead as the living.”
    ---- Bill Vaughn

    "Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved." ---Tim Minchin("Storm")

  6. #439
    Member redsfan9988's Avatar
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    Re: 9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

    Quote Originally Posted by Ky Fried Redleg View Post
    I really enjoy this site and I think most of the folks are legit big Reds fans. The biggest thing that I am guilty of is getting emotional and wanting to vent after losses. In fact, that is what made me search for a Reds message board in the first place. It was late in the 2021 season when our playoff hopes were slipping away. Bell had made a bad decision to either remove a pitcher or leave a pitcher in(can't remember which) and we ended up losing a big game to the Mets as our August slide into the abyss continued. I was furious and wanted to find somewhere to vent my frustrations with like-minded people. I found Redszone that evening.

    I think that's what a lot of these people do that are labeled trolls. They usually only post on the board when they want to vent. That's really all I wanted to do that night two years ago. I don't consider those folks trolls. I just think they need a place to vent their frustrations when their emotions are about to get the best of them. My emotions sometimes get the best of me. I love my Reds and I am very competitive and I hate when they lose. I think about every little thing that might have made a difference between losing and winning.

    We got so spoiled back in the mid 70's when we expected the team to win every night. Back early in the summer this team had me expecting wins every time out again. To see it slipping away has been frustrating. Sometimes I speak out of frustration. I think a lot of us do. After Wednesday's blown game it seemed like people started turning on one another. I guess it's part of human nature. Sometimes we are not very good humans. Again, I appreciate your thoughts.
    That’s all fine… but you can’t bring overly-emotional, irrational takes to the table and then get super-mad when people disagree.

    When someone says, “Bell is an idiot for x” and “player y is a showboat who doesn’t care about the team” - some folks might think that take is awful, stupid, immature, and unbecoming of public discourse. No one is asking anyone to leave or not to participate. But if you’re here to tell me why my favorite team is awful or why my favorite players suck, I might not agree with you. It’s not personal. Every single player on the Reds is trying his absolute hardest to win. It’s fine to advocate for someone who’s struggling to lose playing time or move down in the order. But the “player x is uncoachable and out for himself,” nonsense has NO place in these discussions. It’s indefensible.


    mth123 (09-22-2023),Ron Madden (09-22-2023)

  8. #440
    Member Ky Fried Redleg's Avatar
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    Re: 9-20-23 Reds vs Twins 12:35 PM

    Quote Originally Posted by redsfan9988 View Post
    That’s all fine… but you can’t bring overly-emotional, irrational takes to the table and then get super-mad when people disagree.

    When someone says, “Bell is an idiot for x” and “player y is a showboat who doesn’t care about the team” - some folks might think that take is awful, stupid, immature, and unbecoming of public discourse. No one is asking anyone to leave or not to participate. But if you’re here to tell me why my favorite team is awful or why my favorite players suck, I might not agree with you. It’s not personal. Every single player on the Reds is trying his absolute hardest to win. It’s fine to advocate for someone who’s struggling to lose playing time or move down in the order. But the “player x is uncoachable and out for himself,” nonsense has NO place in these discussions. It’s indefensible.
    Yeah, again, I have no issue at all with pushback against a viewpoint. If someone is critical of the manager for a decision he made, or a player for mental mistakes or lack of hustle, it's perfectly acceptable for someone else to disagree and state why they disagree. No problem with having a viewpoint questioned or criticized. Sometimes, however, that criticism crosses over into a personal attack, which can snowball and make for a toxic game thread. Saying, "I think your take about the manager is way off base" is perfectly acceptable but saying, "That shows you're an idiot" or "you're just a troll; run along loser" is a poor retort and doesn't make for enjoyable reading.

    This has been a nice honest and frank discussion. I appreciate it. Everyone have a great weekend. Go Redlegs! We really need a sweep of these Pirates. Really need 6 of these last 8, I think, to get in. Sweep the Bucs, split with the Guardians, and win the series in St. Louis and I think we have a chance for postseason ball. Slumping bats and injuries to our pitching staff have just been killers. McClain and Ashcraft being out have really hurt. Nevertheless, really , really fun season. Would have never thought it back in April with Wil Myers and Jason Vosler.
    “It’s the mathematical potential for a single game to last forever, in a suspended world where no clock rules the day, that aligns baseball as much with the dead as the living.”
    ---- Bill Vaughn

    "Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved." ---Tim Minchin("Storm")


    redsfan9988 (09-22-2023)

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