Cincinnati Reds suspended 3B Noelvi Marte addresses his return to the Reds at end of June
Cincinnati Reds suspended 3B Noelvi Marte addresses his return to the Reds at end of June
GAC (06-11-2024),Revering4Blue (06-11-2024)
Tatis is killing it again this year for SD. No one cares about his suspension from a few years ago. No one will care about Marte's either going forward after a few weeks pass.
Well, that's what those words mean. He was here. If they don't keep him, he will have been lost/subtracted. I headed out the door today with two shoes on my feet. If I don't return with them, I have lost them. If I do return with them, I haven't added them. ---M2
*BaseClogger* (06-11-2024),dragonoffrost (06-11-2024),dubc47834 (06-13-2024),kaldaniels (06-11-2024),Kingspoint (06-11-2024),M2 (06-11-2024),Marc D (06-11-2024),NebraskaRed (06-11-2024),OesterPoster (06-11-2024),pahster (06-12-2024),Redsfaithful (06-11-2024),Ron Madden (06-11-2024),Sabo Fan (06-11-2024),westofyou (06-11-2024),wlf WV (06-12-2024)
They won't if he does well, but he'll get piled-on again when Jason Williams smarmily reminds "everyman" fan that he's not available for the postseason should the Reds qualify.
He probably won't be truly clear of it all until next year, again provided he performs. As we all know, if he doesn't perform well then the chorus will get louder and louder.
Last edited by StRedlegs900; 06-11-2024 at 12:23 PM.
membengal (06-12-2024)
Marc D (06-11-2024)
So would you admit to purposely taking a steroid, even if you didn't knowingly take it? Come on. It's possible that he was given something in the DR to help rehab his hamstring, didn't know all the ingredients, and something popped up on tests. Guys who take steroids know how to game the testing system with their cycles anyway.
Ron Madden (06-11-2024)
I don't care about steroids at all. These generally aren't magic pills that grow muscles like popeye eating his spinach, but they allow more stamina and ability to train longer and harder and unless it's accompanied by a lot of work to grow those muscles, it won't increase performance. There is a point of view that if a guy is willing to risk the adverse effects so he can be all he can be to perform better, that it might even be admirable. I'm not in love with the idea that it forces guys who don't want to take that risk into doing them to keep up, but if they made them all legal tomorrow, I wouldn't really care.
The bigger concern with Marte is that he's already had one strike and it sounds like he's in denial about it all. If he does it again, is he risking a lifetime ban or is there another step before that? To me that is the biggest issue. Planning around Marte and then seeing him banned for life becuase he still might be taking has to be part of the equation.
All my posts are my opinion - just like yours are. If I forget to state it and you're too dense to see the obvious, look here!
Revering4Blue (06-11-2024)
The union keeps these guys in the loop, and they all know what they can and can't take, so if he took something and didn't know what was in it, it's his fault.
- - - Updated - - -
If he gets caught again, it's a one-year ban, and after that it's lifetime.
mth123 (06-11-2024),Revering4Blue (06-11-2024)
They don't just have a banned list, they have an approved list. If he's taking anything that's not on the approved list, he's an idiot.
Also, he should have been receiving any and all meds and supplements from the team or a team approved medical provider, even in the DR.
Last edited by LeatherPants; 06-11-2024 at 01:51 PM.
Kingspoint (06-11-2024),texasdave (06-13-2024)
Fine, I guess that's my preference as well, but I'm not all emotional or militant about it like some people are. I'm OK leaving them illegal, but I'm not filled with moral outrage like some people are just because someone took them. My biggest concern is how it impacts the value of the player and having a failed test would have to reduce a guy's value.
All my posts are my opinion - just like yours are. If I forget to state it and you're too dense to see the obvious, look here!
Kingspoint (06-11-2024),Revering4Blue (06-11-2024)
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