Since months are inherently arbitrary start and end points, let's take that idea a step further. Here's India's wRC+ in 15 day intervals. For those not familiar, 100 would be league average:
3/28-4/12: 113 wRC+
4/12-4/26: 4 wRC+
4/27-5/11: 102 wRC+
5/12-5/26: 98 wRC+
5/27-6/10: 163 wRC+
6/11-6/25: 183 wRC+
6/26-7/10: 138 wRC+
7/11-7/25: 145 wRC+
7/26-8/6: 56 wRC+
Using those arbitrary intervals, to me it looks like India has had two bad 15-day intervals, two average 15-day intervals, one good 15-day interval, and four fantastic 15-day intervals.
Or we can just look at his season as whole and make decisions based on larger rather than smaller data sets.