Category: RedsZone
Q: How can I post on
To post at the RedsZone forums, you must first sign up as a new user. Besides not being able to post messages until registered, there are other things you can't do while you are unregistered - primarily, you cannot read any threads outside of The Old Red Guard.
Q: How can I get one of those pictures under my user name when I post?
To get one of those pictures (called an avatar), you must have posting privileges at The Old Red Guard.
Q: How can I donate to RedsZone?
You can donate to RedsZone by clicking here. We currently accept payment through PayPal only. Our PayPal address is
Q: I am having problems with a feature on RedsZone, who can I contact?
Email us at
Q: I am having problems with another user on RedsZone, who can I contact?
We suggest that users handle these sort of issues PRIVATELY, either through the board's private messaging system or email. If you have unsuccessfully tried that route, we suggest adding the user to your ignore list so that you do not see his or her posters. As a last resort, you may contact an administrator or moderator and we may be able to offer some assistance.
Q: Who made that cool logo for RedsZone?
Our primary logo was designed by one of our posters westofyou. Thanks, WoY!
Q: How do I connect to RedsZone chat?
Click on the link that says 'chat' on the far left of the site's navigation bar.
Q: What are good fan forums for other MLB teams?
Please see this thread.
Q: Can reputation feedback be discussed on the board?
For the reasons mentioned in this thread, all reputation matters should be handled privately, unless public feedback is sought via a thread started by an adminstrator discussing the topic.