The password is “it’s a hoax, sheeple.”
Welcome K9! How many forums are you on nationwide???
Visit my website
Tip: It helps to be a pinhead who works in the entertainment industry.
Rojo (10-18-2020)
It's a troll account, for those of you scoring at home.
"When financial success is attainable without on-field success, why rock the boat?"
westofyou (10-24-2020)
"No soup for you!"
"One problem with people who have no vices is that they're pretty sure to have some annoying virtues."
Board Moderators may, at their discretion and judgment, delete and/or edit any messages that violate any of the following guidelines: 1. Explicit references to alleged illegal or unlawful acts. 2. Graphic sexual descriptions. 3. Racial or ethnic slurs. 4. Use of edgy language (including masked profanity). 5. Direct personal attacks, flames, fights, trolling, baiting, name-calling, general nuisance, excessive player criticism or anything along those lines. 6. Posting spam. 7. Each person may have only one user account. It is fine to be critical here - that's what this board is for. But let's not beat a subject or a player to death, please. |