I realized today I never closed the loop on the 2012 predictions thread ... belated congratulations are in order to the Sundeck for besting tORG by .1
The link to this scorecard is in my signature.
Old Red Guard
YR RZ Act Ptgh Delta
-- ---- --- ---- --------
12 88.9, 97, 91 (- 8.1)
11 89.1, 79, 83 (+ 10.1)
10 83.3, 91, 92 (- 7.7)
09 79.0, 78, 76 (+ 1.0)
08 81.6, 74, 72 (+ 7.6)
07 81.4, 72, 75 (+ 9.2)
06 76.7, 80, 76 (- 3.3)
05 84.7, 73, 75 (+ 11.7)
04 76.8, 76, 67 (+ 0.8)
03 87.9, 69, 63 (+ 18.9)
02 79.7, 75, 75 (+ 4.7)
YR RZ Act Ptgh Delta
-- ---- --- ---- --------
12 89.0, 97, 91 (- 8.0)
11 88.6, 79, 83 (+ 9.6)
10 84.6, 91, 92 (- 6.4)
09 82.7, 78, 76 (+ 4.7)
08 85.1, 74, 72 (+ 11.1)